Version 0.2 Released

Today’s update includes some features that were highly requested during our time at the World EMS Expo.  The latest update for ParamediSIM includes:


  • A news bar added to main menu that will include information on changes made since the last update was downloaded
  • Users can now define their specific scope of practice.  All scenarios will now be assessed at the user’s specific scope of practice, allowing for BLS vs ALS simulation and ensuring that users are not penalized for not performing interventions outside of their scope of practice.
  • Options to select  between °F or °C for units of temperature measurement were added.
  • Options to select between mmol/L and mg/dL for blood glucose measurement were added.
  • Users can now select between the medication name of Albuterol vs Salbutamol.
  • A menu bug that occasionally prevented scenario selection has been resolved.

If you own ParamediSIM, all updates will automatically download and apply the next time that you open the software on your computer.